Adding it all up

Small choices — whether that’s splurging on a cup of coffee or saving money by brewing your own — can add up in surprising ways. How did you spend or save money in the past week?
Enter up to five examples to see how your choices could pay off. (Don’t worry — your answers won’t be stored or shared.)

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5 ways to save more money!

  1. Pay yourself first. Automatically saving a portion of your pay can help you create an emergency fund.
  2. Pause before you purchase. Waiting 24 hours to buy something gives you time to consider whether you truly need it.
  3. Use a shopping list. You’ll decrease your chance of an impulse buy.
  4. Choose to have a day without spending. You’ll avoid the little purchases that add up.
  5. Give yourself a cash allowance. Using cash for discretionary spending makes it harder to blow your budget. Once the money is gone, it’s gone.